Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Sustainable Entrepreneurship

We aim at discovery, creation, and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities within our universities to generate social and environmental gains in society. Our goals regard the education of the students through an interdisciplinary entrepreneurship training module, the training of the academic staff in entrepreneurship and sustainability, and the the transfer of good practices and assistance to the local business and non-profit organizations.

Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania       

Ovidius University is the the largest European university at the Black Sea. Situated in Constanța, the largest city in Dobruja and Southest Romania, the university is locatedin an economically powerful region, which representsa cultural bridge between East and West, an eastern gate to European Union.  

Western University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) is one of the largest educational institutions in the Norway. HVL has strong and innovative professional environments within health- and social sciences, engineering, teacher education, maritime sciences, nature sciences, culture and sports, social sciences, economics and management.

With the support of the
EEA and Norway grant
we joined our visions, values and knowledge to achieve ambitious objectives

Curriculum development in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship (Activities on the first objective will start with the design of the curriculum, will continue with its piloting during a summer school, and will end with an evaluation and review.)

Development of educational and research competencies of the academic staff (The training of the OUC staff is proposed to take place at HVL for a few and in Constanta for the many. Scientific reasearch will be carryout.)

Applying entrepreneurship and sustainability knowledge and skills to address community problems (A group of OUC students together with their HVL counterparts will work over an academic year to discover the needs of 6 local business and NGOs interested in balneo-tourism and/or care facilities for the elderly under the supervision of a few academics as mentors. The outcome of their effort will be 6 suggested business model improvements and 6 corresponding sustainability plans.)

Finance details

Total: 185950 EUR
SEE contribution (85%): 158057 EUR
Romanian national budget (15%): 27892 EUR


O1. Curriculum on Sustainable Entrepreneurship with a COIL module incorporated (with a focus on balneo-tourism and care facilities for the elderly);

O2. Sustainable Entrepreneurship Basic Academic Course;

O3. Revised course Sustainable Entrepreneurship that incorporates the feed-back after the pilot implementation of the module during the summer school;

O4. Methodological guides for trainers of trainers on Sustainable Entrepreneurship;

O5. Two academic papers submited for publication in peer-reviewed international journals

  • Oprea Carmen, Ionescu Elena Valentina, Matei Raluca, Sorici Costin Octavian, Salceanu Claudia, Jeflea Victor, Pazara Loredana, Ungureanu Adelina Elena, Petcu Lucian, Tucmeanu Elena-Roxana, Iliescu Mădălina Gabriela, Sustainability of balneal tourism in pre- and post-pandemic period, Balneo and PRM Research Journal 2023, 14, 3. Journal link and File download
  • Petre Raluca, 2023, The platform for the European public service media and culture sector; towards a sustainable and democratic model. Sociologia della comunicazione. Vol 65: 13- 30 DOI 10.3280/SC2023-065002 link and File download
  • Petre Raluca, Mădălina Jacotă, 2022, Two Sustainability Models and Two Investigative Journalism Outcomes: The Chance to be Informed. Analele Universității Ovidius. Seria Filologie, Vol XXXIII(2): 424-440. link and File download
  • Tore Frimanslund, Raluca Petre, Hildegunn Loftesnes, Mădălina Jacotă, Triple Helix Cooperations to Foster and Improve a Sustainable Development: Tentative Insights from the Cases of Western Norway and Southeast Romania, Management International Conference, Trieste, Italy, 7-10 June 2023. link

O6. Database of relevant organizations (health and wellness tourism and social entrepreneurship) and their sustainability needs

O7. Four business models with a sustainability component and three BA/MA theses on Sustainable Entrepreneurship

    BA/MA theses:
  • Bachelor Thesis (OUC)
    Title: Trăsăturile de personalitate ale participanților la fenomenul de bullying organizațional.
    Scientific supervisor: Lect. Univ. Dr. Claudia Sălceanu,
    Graduate: Știrbețiu Maria
  • Bachelor Thesis (OUC)
    Title: Presa și sustenabilitatea sferei publice; efectele anchetelor jurnalistice asupra carierelor publice.
    Scientific supervisors: Lect. Univ. Dr. Alexandra Codău, Conf. Univ. Dr.Raluca Petre.
    Graduate: Alexandru Tudor
  • Master Thesis (OUC)
    Title: Comunicare intersectorială și sustenabilitate: modelul triple helix în sectorul public din Dobrogea.
    Scientific supervisors: Conf. Univ. Dr.Raluca Petre.
    Graduate: Mădălina Jacotă.
  • Bachelor Thesis (OUC)
    Title: Influența trăsăturilor de personalitate asupra comportamentului de consum (consumul de turism sustenabil),
    Scientific supervisor: Lect. Univ. Dr. Mariana Calin
    Graduate: Constantina-Alina Miloș (Ilie).
Business models:
Download BM1, Download BM2, Download BM3

O8. Academic course on Sustainable Entrepreneurship with research results, case-studies and business plans with sustainability component introduced in three study programs

Academic course
SUSTAINABLE ENTREPRENEURSHIP Models and best practices from Norway and Romania

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Contact Us

Project manager
Costin Sorici, PhD
Assistant Manager
Constantina Alina Ilie