
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate at the upcoming conference (DIALOGO-CONF 2015, Virtual International Conference).

DIALOGO-CONF 2015 (Virtual International Conference) gives you a great new opportunity to participate in the fully fledged, scientific and professional conference without personal participation.

The Dialogo Conference will run continuously during November 5 to 11, 2015 at

Call For Papers:


The main objective of DIALOGO 2015 is to bring together researchers from all over the world with the aim of encouraging the exchange of ideas and experience. It will represent an international forum to give an overview of the most recent trends.

Conference Organized By:


Research Center on the Dialogue between Science & Theology (RCDST), Romania; THOMSON Ltd., Research Company from Slovakia; Tomas Bata University of Zilina, Slovakia; Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania (Faculties involved: Theology, Medicine, Psychology and Sciences of Education, Applied Science and Engineering, Natural and Agricultural Sciences); Maritime University of Constanta, Romania; „Mircea cel Batran” Naval Academy, Romania; „1 December 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania; “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Romania; The Institute for the Study of Christianity in an Age of Science and Technology (ISCAST/Australia); Global Ethics (Geneva/Switzerland); Action-research in Contemporary Culture and Education – Practice & Theory (ACCEPT/ Poland); Research and Science Today  magazine (RST), Romania and many other (



– All submitted papers will be peer reviewed) by Reviewers and Scientific Committee (at least by two reviewers and all accepted papers will be published in official Conference Proceedings  with ISBN and ISSN (2392–9928).

– All published papers will be included into Open Access Online Archive, which it is sent for evaluation into major indexing and abstracting databases.

– Authors of the best selected papers 20%-25% from the conference will be asked to prepare extended version of their paper to be considered for publishing in International Journals.

– Top rated papers will be selected for possible indexing in well-known scientific databases (20-30 %).



Paper Submission Deadline: October 5, 2015

Author Notification: October 23, 2015

DIALOGO CONFERENCE 2015 date: November 5 – 11, 2015

SCOPE of the conference


We invite all researchers, teachers and students to join this worldwide forum, where research knowledge and ideas can be efficiently presented and shared. The conference provides smart platform to share your research ideas. Fundamental or experimental research and theoretical papers describing original, previously unpublished work in all the scientific fields that could be involved into the dialogue with theology are solicited. Prospective authors are invited to submit papers written in English in any of these sections of the conference:

·         Art and Literature & Religion;

·         Earth Sciences, Ecology, Environment & Theology;

·         Social Sciences, Culture, Lifestyle Choices & religion;

·         Law and Political Science & Theology;

·         Philosophy of Science & Theology;

·         Biology, Medicine, Natural Sciences & Theology;

·         Neurobiology & Theology;

·         Epistemology, Metaphysics and Communication Sciences & Theology;

·         Management, Marketing, Economics and Tourism & Religion;

·         Bioethics – Science – Theology;

·         Astronomy, Astro-Physics & Theology;

·         History, Demography, Archaeology & Religion;

·         Mathematics, Technology, Industry, Networking & Religion;

·         General Topic: Science and Theology.



– Participate as author, and we ensure you to receive professional feedback and effective propagation of your results.

– Participate in reviewing process – be important part of Scientific Committee.

– Be our Partner – please help us to spread our ideas and share information about our events to your colleagues. We look forward to an exchange marketing deal (Barter deal) that may generate mutual benefit and publicity on our respective web platforms.


These issues can be approached from a number of perspectives, both scientific and theological.





For further information, please contact us at Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. or visit our web page:


This conference is the member of the-science community, which supports healthy research activities. For more information visit:


For registration as participant

For registration as reviewer


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