Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences “IC-ANMBES 2014”
June 13th-15th, 2014, Brasov, Romania
organized by Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania and COST ACTION TD 1104 ( in partnership with University of Perpignan, France; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA  and National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies (INCDTIM) Cluj-Napoca, Romania and
Romanian Society of Pure And Applied Biophysics, Romanian Physical Society, American Biophysical Society,
Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
The conference is designed as an international forum for effective exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, from all over the world, active in various theoretical and applied areas of biophysics, biochemistry, medicine, engineering, environmental protection, and food safety.
One special session is devoted to electroporation and its application.  The conference will offer a good opportunity to know more about the COST Action TD 1104,  to learn about the possibilities of networking offered by this project. A very exciting list of oral presentations will be sustained by prodigious researchers in the topic of microfluidics in conjunction with electroporation for various analytical applications. A list of these talks together with all prestigious speakers can be found on the conference website.
Conference main topics:
1. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biophysical and Biomedical Applications
2. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Environmental and Food Safety
Publication (All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least two external referees.):
• Analytical Letters
• Romanian Journal of Biophysics
• Proceeding of IC-ANMBES 2014
Important dates:
• April   11th, 2014: Extended abstract submission deadline.
• April 18th, 2014: Notification of abstract acceptance.
• May   1st, 2014:  Deadline for early registration fee.
• May 30th, 2014:  Deadline for late registration fee (for contributions included in Abstracts Book).
If you plan to participate at IC-ANMBES 2014, please fill-in the registration form posted on the conference website that will help us in organizing the conference. We are very happy that the impressions of participants of former editions of Conference are very positive and that obliges and motivates us to organize IC-ANMBES 2014 better.
We would be extremely grateful if you could display this document in your laboratory and forward it to your collaborators.
Any questions can be addressed to the IC-ANMBES 2014 committee at the following address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.